Research Projects

International Co-Production Strategies for Feature Film Production in the ASEAN Region

Charles Maideen (PhD, Nanyang Technological University, School of Art Design & Media)
Film and Animation

Charles’ research will focus on international film co-production, that will develop a potential framework for film co-production strategies for feature film production in the ASEAN region. The outcome of this research could be a possible adaptation for implementation by the governments in Southeast Asia, to enhance the policies and procedures in order to make co-productions between these countries seamless and benefit industry players embarking on business and co-production ventures.

Other Research Projects

Research Projects

Combining the Digital Body and the Corporeal in Live Performance

Khalid Almkhlaafy
Film and Animation

The research examines the role of live projection in dance performance. It aims to answer whether the integration of such technology induces a sense of visual cohesion; or, instead, serves as a source of visual confusion in the audience experience. In doing so, it also addresses Auslander’s assertion that ‘the addition of digital media projection to live dance means that audiences watch the projection and not the dancing body' (Quoted in Klich & Scheer, 2012, p. 105).

Cover image: Next Step, part of the Dance Graduation Show at LASALLE, 2014.

Other Research Projects

Research Projects

Education for the Creative Industries – A Singaporean Paradox

Chris Shaw (PhD in Design Education, Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Arts Pedagogy
Film and Animation

Chris is currently a PhD candidate in the School of Design at Hong Kong Polytechnic University. His research is concerned with the study of pedagogical frameworks for developing Imaginative Thinking, as part of the Creative process.

Other Research Projects

Research Projects

At the Crossroads: Investigating the Construction Process of My Chinese-Indonesian Diasporic Identity

Fanny Bratahalim
Film and Animation

The research aims to reframe the construction process of the researcher’s diasporic identity in a more conceptual approach through an auto-ethnographic performative lens. The use of conceptual elements, instead of direct descriptive retelling of the lived experience and the construction process, will hopefully provoke more critical analysis among the audience. Therefore, the media output of this research will not use a documentary or live-action format, and instead will use animation to allow for more extensive use of the conceptual elements.

Other Research Projects

Research Projects

Deterritorialising Animation Practice through Intermedial Transpositions

Qing Sheng Ang
Film and Animation

The research aims to displace conventional practices in animation without straying into an incomprehensible realm that may find difficulties in engaging an audience accustomed to the filmic representational form. The method will involve a theoretical inquiry into various deterritorialising strategies inspired by the ideas of Deleuze and a practical preproduction of an animated film in which the deterritorialising strategies could be articulated in conjunction.

Cover image: Exploratory sketch by Khin Yupar Maung.

Other Research Projects

Research Projects

Fashion & Disability

Circe Henestrosa

Circe Henestrosa is working on the topic of Fashion Curation and Disability for her PhD. As part of her research, in 2018, Henestrosa presented her exhibition Frida Kahlo: Making Her Self Up at the Victoria and Albert Museum addressing Kahlo’s construction of identity through disability and ethnicity. A publication with the same title has been published. An iteration of this exhibition entitled Appearances Can Be Deceiving, was adapted and presented by Henestoa at the Brooklyn Museum in New York in 2019.

Other Research Projects

Research Projects

Analysis of Her World magazine from 1970 - 1985

Nadya Wang Sin Yee (PhD, Courtauld Institute of Art, University of London)

My research considers how Her World magazine, as part of wider visual and design culture, used dress and fashion to construct templates of ideal Singaporean femininity in the 1970s and 1980s. Through an analysis of selected images using postmodern and postcolonial theories, I seek a better understanding of the ways Singaporean women saw themselves and the complex process of constructing their identities at a time when global expectations of women’s roles at home and at work were debated.

Other Research Projects

Research Projects

Way, Shape, Form

Stanley Lim, Nur Hidayah Abu Bakar
Design Communication
Spatial and Product Design

The research investigates the importance of writing within the practice of design in Singapore. It seeks to discover the challenges and opportunities for writing to take on a more prominent role in designers' practice.

Other Research Projects

Research Projects

Hidden Histories: Design Education in Indonesia, Singapore, and Malaysia (1945 -1980s)

Dr Mitha Budhyarto, Vikas Bhatt Kailankaje
Design Communication
Spatial and Product Design

The research seeks to gain a critical understanding of the development of design education in Indonesia, Singapore and Malaysia, between 1945 and the 1980s. This objective is set against the larger need to fill a gap in knowledge about design discourses specific to Southeast Asia's colonial and post-independence contexts.

Other Research Projects

Research Projects

Our Sands: A Novel

Dr Darryl Whetter
Creative Writing

This research/creation project culminated in a novel manuscript devoted to the environmental, social and racist consequences of Canada’s contentious tar-sands industry and their contribution to climate change, peak oil and what Noam Chomsky calls ’the dirtiest oil on the planet.’ German literature addresses the Holocaust; American literature addresses slavery; until this manuscript by a Canadian writer at LASALLE, no Canadian novel has addressed its intense contribution to climate change and, arguably, the genocide of First Nations.

Other Research Projects