
The Straits Times: School project turns into job to redesign MRT station signs

A casual observation of commuters getting lost on Singapore’s Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) system encouraged Samuel Lim to research more into the problem.

The BA(Hons) Design Communication alumnus dedicated his thesis project to wayfinding solutions which caught the Land Transport Authority’s attention. He was eventually offered a position within their architecture division, playing a critical role in rewriting the Transit Signage Manual, standardising graphics and designing a new typeface.


Lianhe Zaobao: Interpreting life through art therapy

Encounters with people suffering from mental distress led Aletheia Tan to return back to school to pursue a postgraduate degree in art therapy. With her qualification as an art therapist, she aims to raise better awareness about the different creative channels individuals can seek out so that they need not suffer in silence.


Channel 8's 狮城有约: Digital art in the lion city

Digital art has a long and established history. With the proliferation of social media and improvements in technology, coupled with increased digitisation brought on by the current COVID-19 pandemic, it is currently gaining widespread popularity.


The Straits Times: Musician tunes in to lifelong learning

Learning is a lifelong journey and for Vicknes Vinayak Veerappan, who went back to school at the age of 43, it was well worth it. “This was a rare window of opportunity to upgrade myself and reset my career,” he shared. The professional musician, who has toured with singer-songwriters J.J. Lin and David Tao, was inspired to be an educator after a positive encounter with a child he mentored briefly as a freelance instructor.


The Straits Times: Why arts education matters in a digital age

In this commentary piece published in the Straits Times, Vice-President (Academic) and Provost of LASALLE Venka Purushothaman opines that the future of education is not about technical skills alone as, from paint to pixels, technology is ever-changing.

“An arts education is more than teaching someone technical skills of how to draw, dance, act or design. It is about bringing out the creative potential in humans, from discovering new pathways to drawing new conclusions and knowing how to integrate contemporary tools and materials with traditional practices.”


The Sunday Times (Sri Lanka): Designing for social change

Fashion, like any form of art, has the power to influence society in many ways. It can instil or challenge opinions, express any concept or experience, and is bound only by the imagination of its creator. It can also be a vehicle for social change and it is in this spirit that designer Amilani Perera embarked on her latest bold and empowering collection titled Unbreakable, which is in partnership with the United Nations Population Fund in Sri Lanka (UNFPA) – the United Nation’s sexual and reproductive health agency that is working on sexual and gender-based violence.