Here and now, the future of crafts

This showcase presents the evocative negotiations of the future of crafts through a variety of design outcomes produced by LASALLE students. The projects selected for this exhibition are a collection of ideas, processes, and negotiations which offer critical knowledge and insights on future heritage. The projects also address pertinent issues about our contemporary and future contexts and the places where these occur. The understanding of craftsmanship and materials around us will help us expand possibilities and help explain the complexity of the future and what it may hold.

To see an elephant in a picture book

The global environmental crisis has led to many artists speaking up for the myriad of ecological issues that concerns us all. From sculpture, printmaking, drawing, painting and kinetic art, this exhibition showcases works from BA(Hons) Level 1 and Diploma Level 2 students who have been working on projects exploring nature, space and the means humans take to make marks, invent, create and remember.


As a creative practice, the field of design exists as a platform to critique our environments. Apart from addressing functional immediacies, design partakes in being an agent for change. This exhibition celebrates change. Featuring select works from designers whom have questioned the status quo, the works demonstrate high levels of conceptual thought, precision and skill making, and address pertinent issues about our current and future contexts. Change is now. Design is Now!


An exhibition consists of drawings, paintings, prints, sculptures and video clips by current Visual Studies Diploma Level 1 students. Students will also showcase works specifically from Animation, Broadcast Media, Design and Fine Art modules.