
Backstage: Managing creativity and the arts in South-East Asia

South-East Asia is a region rich in cultural diversity and dynamic in its creativity. There is a great potential for the countries of the region to capitalize on their cultural resources and their dynamic young populations to gear toward the creative economy and fully realize the role of culture in achieving sustainable development. The publication, Backstage: Managing Creativity and the Arts in South-East Asia, draws on the findings of UNESCO’s recent study of the creative sector in the nine countries of the South-East Asian region (Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam). The publication showcases the policy environments in which the creative sector is operating and concretely identifies areas in which exchanges and further development can be engineered to unleash the full potential of the sector. It also tells the stories of the twenty-nine organizations across the region, serving as examples of those who are on the front line of moving the sector forward.

Janamohanan, Sunitha, et al. Backstage: Managing creativity and the arts in South-East Asia. Bangkok, UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organization, 2021, ISBN / ISSN: 978-92-3-100443-8.

UNESCO Backstage cover image - Sunitha Janamohanan.jpg
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Sunitha Janamohanan (Co-Author)
Audrey Wong (Co-Author)

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