Alumni News

The Straits Times: Struggled with dyslexia but he never gave up

Michael Koh
14 April 2019
The Straits Times
Media Coverage

A graduate from LASALLE's BA(Hons) Fine Arts Programme, Michael Koh is the founder of high-end jewellery brand Caratell, which counts neighbouring royalty among its clientele and has an annual turnover of more than $5 million. It has been a long road to success for him as he struggled in school when he was younger due to undiagnosed dyslexia and ended up dropping out.

His lack of formal certification caused him to be turned away by other local arts institutions, but a chance encounter with the late Brother Joseph McNally, founder of LASALLE College of the Arts, gave him the push he needed to apply for and secure a place in the McNally School of Fine Arts.

After graduating from LASALLE with a specialisation in jewellery design, Michael took the plunge to start his own jewellery line and has gone through countless challenges in running his own business.

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