
"The Next Generation": LASALLE and NAFA at da:ns festival 2017

31 October 2017
Arts Equator
Media Coverage

Though the Esplanade’s run of its annual da:ns festival has ended, guest writer for Arts Equator, Lim Shan, reminisced about her experience during the three unique performances by LASALLE dance students.

The first was Martin Schick’s To Be Announced that was commissioned specially by The Esplanade. As a work intended to blur the lines between performance and reality, our students traversed both on and off stage in order to engage with each other and the audience. With its presentation as part dance and theatre, this piece pushed boundaries and exemplified the cutting-edge work LASALLE does.

Following this was Lee Jae Yong’s Equal that had our students executing canon movements with such sharp fluidity that audiences were reminded of clockwork. One by one, as the dancers filled the stage, the mass movement of bodies was startling to behold.

Rounding off the stage by LASALLE was an excerpt from Kuik Swee Boon’s Silence We Are Familiar With. Five dancers took to the massive stage and in a hypnotic series of lithe moves, they conveyed how some forms of love can leave us empty, while other forms can fill the gaps in our heart.

Lim Shan ended her review by stating how “[the] performances [were] almost bursting at the seams to showcase the talent of both the choreographers and the dancers.”

Read the full article on Arts Equator