
Malay Graduands Centre Practice around Assisting Individuals

22 May 2018
Berita Harian
Media Coverage

The LASALLE Show Exhibition is a showcase of carefully-researched and thought-provoking projects from the final year students of the College's numerous disciplines. Three graduands' work, in particular, stood out for their focus in contributing back to society.

Muafah Amran from the BA(Hons) Interior Design cohort designed a halfway house that provided both private and communal spaces for ex-drug addicts so that they may focus on getting in-touch with themselves and building up socialisation skills respectively. Such activities aid in their reintegration process into society.

Amirah Raudhah Razali similarly chose to use her practice for the benefit of society, firmly believing that: "A piece of art can become a driving force for youths to approach the disabled community, while simultaneously empowering those less abled with valuable skills. Through art, we can deliver powerful messages about living life more meaningfully." The BA(Hons) Fine Arts graduand is one of the few selected by the National Arts Council to be a part of their Community Arts Mentorship Programme, where artists are trained to work with specific communities in Singapore.

Faleyana Zulkifli looked closer to home, her own neighbourhood in fact, when developing her final year project. In an effort to foster the friendly relations among neighbours, the BA(Hons) Design Communication graduand devised a simple kit that aimed to spark conversation and build rapport between reserved residents of a typical public housing estate.

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