Alumni News

Lianhe Zaobao: LASALLE presents a new online platform, showcasing reflections by faculty staff

29 August 2020
Lianhe Zaobao
Media Coverage

Image and Sound In Spite Of is an online platform curated by LASALLE’s Senior Fellow Milenko Prvacki as a way to keep artistic conversations going even during a pandemic. 47 artists, including staff and alumni of LASALLE, as well as past participants of the College’s annual art camp Tropical Lab, took part in this project, showcasing their work-from-home creations and efforts to remain creative.

“Even if environments, lifestyles and ways of working change, artists continue to consume material and dream up ideas. Art remains a fuel for many to express their thoughts, ask critical questions and find understanding. Through Image and Sound In Spite Of, I hope that we can remain connected as a community, supporting one another through this time of closure and silence,” said Milenko.

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