Alumni News

Channel 8's 狮城有约: Digital art in the lion city

05 November 2020
Channel 8's 狮城有约
Media Coverage

Digital art has a long and established history. With the proliferation of social media and improvements in technology, coupled with increased digitisation brought on by the current COVID-19 pandemic, it is currently gaining widespread popularity.

McNally School of Fine Arts lecturer Wang Ruobing discusses how digital art is conceptualised, how it can be experienced beyond the digital space and how more artists – such as MA Asian Art Histories alumnus Hafiiz Karim – are open to experimentation with the medium. Hafiiz's digital manipulation of Western classical figures into modern Singaporean contexts has gone viral on social media for its clever juxtaposition and tongue-in-cheek humour.

“I like to see my work as a democratisation of creativity wherein I’m bringing artworks that was once only consumed by elites to the masses. Depending on who shares it and tags on their own experiences, these works become living breathing organisms with their own narratives,” he said.

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