Short Courses

Character Design: Illustrating Imaginary Characters in Ink and Colour

This comprehensive course delves into the fascinating world of imaginary character design with a hands-on experience in ink and watercolour techniques. Inspired by your experiences and the world around us, train your eyes to spot imaginary creatures hidden in our world and touch on narrative worldbuilding. 

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced artist, this course aims to guide you through imaginary character design and storytelling while equipping you with the practical skills to continue your artistic journey with curiosity and child-like wonder.

About the trainer 
Trivia Goh a.k.a Trivialities is an artist-illustrator whose work is a captivating blend of the fantastical and the familiar. Through her intricate paintings, she explores the intersection of the mundane and the magical, creating a world that is at once both otherworldly and relatable.

Trivia has presented her works in solo and group exhibitions internationally in Finland, Taiwan and Australia, and locally at the Utterly Art gallery and the ArtScience Museum. She has also conducted illustration and design workshops for a diverse range of participants, including at schools, public libraries and for students with special needs. Her commitment to arts education includes conducting talks at prominent platforms like 'Today at Apple'.

Trivia graduated with a Bachelor in Fine Arts from Nanyang Technological University, and is currently based in Singapore.

Note: Course trainers are, on occasion, subject to change with short notice.


No. of classes Days Dates Time
8 Every Tue and Thu 3 Sep – 26 Sep 2024 7:00pm – 10:00pm

Application Information

Course materials

To be advised before the course start date.
Cost of materials: approximately $70, to be purchased by participants.

Who should attend

Prospective art students, art enthusiasts, teachers and/or anyone interested in expanding their character and conceptual illustration skills through ink and watercolour.

Eligible schemes / subsidies:
Claimable under SkillsFuture Credit


Note: Course fee not inclusive of application fee and GST.