Short Courses

Fashion Design: Implementation of Design Through Pattern Drafting

Fashion evolves, but the principles of pattern-making and cutting generally remain essentially unchanged. Join us and learn the craft of making a paper plan or template for a garment. This course helps to strengthen your foundation in self-drafted patterns from individual measurements that can be applied to varying fashion styles.

The course does not involve sewing.

Trainer: Tan Peck Leng

Note: Course trainers are, on occasion, subject to change with short notice.


No. of classes Days Dates Time
10 Every Wed & Sat 16 Oct – 20 Nov 2024 7:00pm – 10:00pm (Wed) and 10:00am – 1:00pm (Sat)

Application Information

Course materials

To be advised before the course’s start date.
Cost of materials: Approximately $30, to be purchased by participants.

Who should attend

Aspiring fashion designers, young professionals in the fashion business, prospective students and/or anyone keen on pattern drafting.

Eligible schemes / subsidies:
Claimable under SkillsFuture Credit
National Silver Academy (NSA) subsidy


Note: Course fee not inclusive of application fee and GST.

(after National Silver Academy (NSA) subsidy)

Note: NSA fee is inclusive of GST.