Scholarships & financial support

Scholarships & financial support FAQ

We are committed to providing a quality education for all our students and believe that no deserving student should be denied admission because of financial difficulty. A range of financial assistance schemes, grants and loans are made available to help meet a portion of the educational expenses of students.

Please note that miscellaneous fees are not covered by scholarships, bursaries or the Mendaki Tertiary Tuition Fee Subsidy (TTFS).


What does a LASALLE-administered scholarship or bursary cover ?

LASALLE-administered scholarships and bursaries are strictly used for the payment of tuition fees for one academic year, unless otherwise stated.  If awarded, the funds will be credited directly to your college fee account.

What is the difference between a scholarship and a bursary?

A scholarship is awarded based on merit, leadership qualities, creative potential, academic results and track record.

A bursary is awarded to students who demonstrate financial challenges and meet the eligibility criteria of the scheme.

Can I hold more than one scholarship, bursary or financial aid?

Students are required to declare any external scholarships, bursaries or grants they have applied for, or have been awarded when they submit a scholarship or bursary application.   This will be taken into consideration by the awarding committee(s).

A recipient of the LASALLE-administered scholarship/bursary or Mendaki Tertiary Tuition Subsidy (TTFS) which cover the tuition fees only may also receive a government bursary.

I am a scholarship / bursary holder. What happens if I fail a module or am required to repeat?

LASALLE reserves the right to revoke the award if the recipient fails and is required to repeat.   

Similarly, scholarship recipients who are unable to maintain the stipulated grade average required by some of the schemes may have their award revoked.  

In both instances, the student may continue his/ her studies in LASALLE at their own expense.

Is there a service obligation for these schemes?

LASALLE-administered scholarships and bursaries are bond-free.  

However, recipients of different awards may be required to volunteer at the College or donor-organised events, participate at community events and/ or fulfil an internship.

How do I apply for a LASALLE-administered scholarship / bursary?

To give your application the best chance of success, please complete the online application form as fully and accurately as possible.  Ensure that all required supporting documents are uploaded with your application by the application closing date. 

Incomplete and/or late applications will not be considered.

Do note that submission of an application does not guarantee an award.  

The College’s decision is final and reasons will not be provided to successful and non-successful applicants.

I have applied for a place at LASALLE for the upcoming intake, but I have not gone for my interview /audition yet. Can I apply for a scholarship or bursary first?

To be considered for a scholarship/bursary, applicants must have received an offer from Admissions into a full-time diploma or degree course at LASALLE. Please submit your scholarship application by the application deadline after you have received your offer package from Admissions.

I have applied for a LASALLE-administered scholarship but I was not awarded. I still need financial aid for my studies. What should I do?

You may consider applying for the government bursaries i.e. HECB/HEB if your family’s per capita income (PCI) is S$2,250 or below, or your family’s gross household income (GHI) is $9,000 or below.
Please visit or the Learning Portal or contact for more information.

Are there other ways to help support my studies at LASALLE?

Various philanthropic organisations provide financial assistance to students in need. Please contact and apply to the organisations directly.

The following schemes, subject to eligibility criteria, are also available to students pursuing their first diploma or degree:
• Post-Secondary Education Account (PSEA Scheme)
• MOE Tuition Fee Loan
• MOE Study Loan
• Mendaki Study Loan Scheme
• Bank education loan


What is a government bursary?

All Singaporean students enrolled in a full-time diploma or undergraduate degree programme, with a PCI not exceeding $2,500 or GHI not exceeding $10,000, and not concurrently holding a full scholarship/sponsorship or its equivalent, and are eligible for the MOE Tuition Grant are welcome to apply for a government bursary, namely, Higher Education Community Bursary (previously known as CDC/CCC Bursary) or Higher Education Bursary (previously known as MOE Bursary).

What does the HECB/HEB cover?

This bursary may be used to pay for a student’s tuition fees and/or miscellaneous fees, living expenses or learning materials.

What is the value of the HECB/HEB?

The bursary amount is awarded according to a student’s PCI/GHI as follows, with effect from AY2023:

Per Capita Income (PCI) Gross Household Income (GHI) Dip Quantum BA Quantum Bursary
$0 - $750 $0 - $3,000 $2,950 for one year $6,300 for one year HECB
$751 - $1,100 $3,001 to $4,400 $2,600 for one year $5,100 for one year
S$1,101 – S$1,875 S$4,401 – S$7,500 $2,000 for one year $3,250 for one year HEB
S$1,876 – S$2,500 S$7,501 – S$10,000 $900 for one year $1,350 for one year
How can I apply for the government bursary (HECB/HEB) ?

Applications for HECB/HEB open at various times of the academic year. Please check here or the Learning Portal for the application window periods and online application form.

The HECB/HEB is valid for one academic year. Reapplication is only allowed during a new academic year. For example, if you were awarded the HECB in AY2023/24, you can reapply in AY2024/25 and not any earlier.

Are there any penalties that may be incurred under the government bursary?

Students may be required to refund the government bursary, either fully or partially, that has been disbursed to them for the academic year, if they are not active students and do not have to pay tuition fees for the semester of study.

Students who receive full scholarship/sponsorship or other financial awards in the same academic year as they are awarded the government bursary may also be required to refund the government bursary disbursed to them, subject to the terms and conditions of the award. Students are required to inform LASALLE if they receive any scholarship/ sponsorship or financial awards during the academic year.


My Mendaki TTFS application has been approved. Can I apply for a government bursary (HECB/HEB) as well?

Students receiving the Mendaki TTFS can also apply for the HECB or HEB if they meet the eligibility criteria.

I am receiving the Mendaki TTFS. However, if I want to intermit or withdraw from my studies and resume at a later date, can the TTFS be brought forward when I resume my studies ?

You will need to reapply for the Mendaki TTFS if:
•    You are intermitting your studies for more than one year or
•    You have withdrawn from the programme at LASALLE.

For students who intermit their studies for less than one year, the TTFS will be valid when you resume your studies at LASALLE.

Due to a sudden change in family income, I wish to appeal for more subsidy from Mendaki. What should I do?

Please approach Mendaki on the appeal and refer to for their contact details.

Is there an application deadline for the Mendaki TTFS? I have already commenced my studies but would like to apply for it now.

There are two application periods each year for LASALLE students to apply for the Mendaki TTFS.  Please refer to for more information.

1) June – July
2) November – January

I was previously on the Mendaki TTFS in my Diploma studies. I have recently been offered a place in a BA programme starting in August. What should I do?

Your previous TTFS for Diploma studies would have expired once you have graduated from your Diploma course. Hence you are required to re-apply for the Mendaki TTFS for your BA studies. Please refer to for more information.


How do I calculate my family’s per capita income (PCI) ?

PCI : Total gross income of family members at the same address
Total number of family members

Family members include : 
a)  Immediate family members (i.e. parents, siblings, spouses and children);
b) Non-immediate family members (e.g. grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins) who are living at the same address as the applicant.

What is included in my family’s gross monthly household income (GHI)?

GHI Includes employee’s CPF contributions, income contributions from self-employment, business or salaried employment which includes basic salary, allowances, overtime pay and other sources of income such as rent, pension etc.

If bonuses are declared, these are calculated as one twelfth of the annual wage supplements and bonuses received in the last 12 months.

The monthly financial support from divorced/separated parent or spouse such as alimony and contributions to support children/household and National Service (NS) allowance earned by NSF are not included.


If I am awarded a LASALLE-administered scholarship/bursary, when will I receive the funds?

Upon the acceptance of all terms and conditions of the scholarship/bursary the funds will be divided equally across two semesters and credited to the recipient’s school fee account in August (for semester 1 fees) and November/December (for semester 2 fees) each year.

If I am awarded a government bursary, when will I receive the funds?

Upon the acceptance of all terms and conditions of the government bursary, the funds will be divided equally across two semesters and be credited to the recipient’s school fee account within one month.

In the event that there are any outstanding tuition fees and/or miscellaneous fees, the bursary will be used to settle these outstanding fees. The balance amount from the bursary, if any, will then be credited to the recipient’s bank account.


Are there any penalties that may be incurred under the LASALLE-administered scholarship or bursary?

The College reserves the right to revoke or amend the scholarship or bursary award when a recipient intermits or withdraws from his/her studies, changes his/her course or mode of study or any other circumstances as deemed appropriate by the College. The recipient may be required to refund the awarded amount in part or in full under such circumstances.

All information is correct at time of publication and is subject to changes.

For further enquiries on scholarships and financial support, please contact